It seems that really likes their Ding! promotion and will continue to make progress with it during this month.
As many of you know already, Ding! is a cool new “guessing” mini-game by where you have to guess either goals scored by teams or the like.
During the period of July 3-6, 2014,’s new Ding! page will have a series of questions as shown below:
You must guess how many goals the players will score in each games and total goals.
The list is:
France vs Germany (Benzema vs Müller)
Brazil vs Columbia (Neymar vs James R)
Argentina vs Belgium (Messi vs Hazard)
Netherlands vs Costa Rica (Robben vs Campbell)
The deadline is 4th of July at 18:00 CET.
Remember – put Ding!’s prize pool at €1000 and the first place winner will get 400 of it.